Advertised: 21-07-11 | Closing Date: 20-08-11
Sun TV Network or better known as SUN TV is a local television station networked the first in Indonesia. Sun TV currently require a young professional workers for the following positions:
Lowongan Kerja Producer Economy
(Jakarta Raya)
* Male / Female
* Aged between 28-40 years
* Education majors preferred S1/D3 all of the Broadcast Journalist, Economic
* Has extensive knowledge in the field of broadcast television, especially the Economic Program / News
* Having the experience of producer on the television station or production house min 1 year
* Have the ability to lead a team / crew
* Willingness to work hard and develop the ability
Cover letter and CV as well as the work can be sent to:
MNC Tower 23rd Floor, Jl. Kebon Sirih No.. 17-19 Jakarta 10340