June 15, 2011
Bank BNIBank Negara Indonesia’s role as the circulation and central bank was duly terminated in 1949 following the government’s appointment of the former Dutch-controlled bank, De Javasche Bank, as Indonesia’s Central Bank. The Bank, subsequently designated as a development bank, was later granted the rights to provide foreign reserve services that allowed it access to direct foreign transactions. We are currently seeking suitable candidates for the following position:
Frontliner (Teller Staff)
* Minimum Diploma 3 degree from accredited university
* Male/ female maximum 24 years old, single and not married
* Minimum GPA 2.50 of 4.00 (PTN) and 2.75 of 4.00 (PTS)
* Minimum height 165 cms (female) and 170 cms (male)
* Attractive, competent and possesses good communication skill
* Placement: BNI Kantor Wilayah Jakarta Kemayoran (Rawamangun, Jatinegara, Kelapa gading, Kramat, Gambir, Bekasi and Karawang)
* Closing date : July 14, 2011
Apply to : Lowongan Frontliner BNI
Officer Development Program
Job Fair for Bachelor and Master Degree
Bachelor Degree
* From a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Economics, Engineering, Mathematical & Statistical Science, Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Plantation, Animal Husbandry, Law and Business Administration
* Minimum GPA 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) scale 4
* Maximum age 26 years old
* Fluent in both spoken and written English
* Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage
Master Degree
* From a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Finance/Accounting or Engineeering
* Minimum GPA 3,25 (scale 4)
* Maximum age 28 years old
* Fluent in both spoken and written English
* Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage
Job Fair Schedule:
* Job Fair ITB, SBM ITB Area, 17 - 18 June 2011, Test : 19 - 21 June 2011
* Job Fair UNIBRAW, Aula Gedung E Fakultas Ekonomi, 01 – 02 July 2011, Test : 03 - 05 July 2011
* Job Fair UGM, Graha Sabha UGM, 22 – 23 July 2011, Test 24 - 26 July 2011
* If you cannot attend the job fair, application can be send to: rekrutmen@bni.co.id
* For the selection process, the main priority is the applicant of the Job Fair